Lina Khan Confirmed to FTC by Senate

President Biden names her Chair of the commission afterward. On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate confirmed President Biden’s nominee Lina Khan as commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission by…

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Senator Hawley’s Family Threatened, Home Vandalized

Group calls it a “candlelight vigil.” Missouri Senator Josh Hawley reported that a group of Antifa appeared at his home in Washington, D.C. and “screamed threats, vandalized, and…

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Senators Join in Push for Stimulus Checks

Cash payments needed to mitigate economic effects of coronavirus. Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Bernie Sanders of Vermont have joined in an unusual bipartisan pairing to push…

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President Trump Releases Possible Supreme Court Picks

Promise to constituents if voted into office again. This past week, President Trump announced that he had selected his shortlist of candidates that he would appoint to the…

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Rollback of Big Tech Protection Considered

Justice Department will propose legislation. Big tech companies like Google and Facebook have for decades had certain legal protections from liability for content posted by their users. Recently,…

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