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We want to openly share our needs and keep you informed about the status of this ministry. Since 2001, this ministry has been reaching millions of Americans with the help of God’s people, who have graciously underwritten the daily expenses of the prayer team. Every gift, no matter the size, is of great help. We invite you to prayerfully consider helping us meet our monthly budgeted need with a gift today.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.

Jim Bolthouse


1 Timothy 2:1-2

Insight Edition - Weekly Prayer Focus

  • Issue 657 – Verse of the Week

    July 25th – July 31st, 2024


    All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient. – Exodus 24:7


    Paper towel manufacturers demonstrate the quickness of their products’ strength and ability to absorb spills without losing a drop. Similarly, God calls you to soak up and retain His Word, which strengthens your personal walk with Him. Absorbing means more than simply reading. It is applying God’s Word to life’s situations, internalizing and letting it make changes in your life. Absorbing the Bible requires action. Try reading your Scripture and devotional aloud. This engages more than one of your senses and helps to carry it further through your day. Pray over the passages you have read. Speak with God about what you heard from Him and thank Him for the inspiration that comes from what you read. You might underline an important verse, even put a date and a couple of words in the margin to indicate why it meant something on that particular day. You could take notes or journal out what God is showing you. Writing will further engage your mind and heart. Finally, express your awe and delight to the Lord over His desire to communicate with and be known by you!

Presidential Prayer TeamJune Ministry Update Letter – READ NOW

I Pray RadioOur gift to you this holiday as we remember the true reason for the season with sacred and traditional Christmas music. LISTEN NOW!
  • Issue 657 – Federal Branches

    Praying for Our Leaders in Government

    Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration

    Secretaries Blinken and Austin are meeting with counterparts across the Indo-Pacific to reassure allies about the commitment of the U.S. to foreign policy in the wake of President Biden dropping his bid for reelection.

    Pray for the senior administration officials as they seek to strengthen Asian partnerships in the face of domestic political uncertainies.

    Legislative Branch: Pray for Senators and Representatives in Congress

    Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas regarding a whistleblower report that the majority of the security personnel on duty when the assassination attempt was made on former President Trump were not Secret Service agents. Senator Hawley questioned the use of “unprepared and inexperienced“ Homeland Security Investigation agents who were “unfamiliar with standard protocols.“

    Pray for senators and representatives in Congress as they strive to provide oversight of federal agencies and ensure appropriate conduct and functioning of departments.


    The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, co-chaired by Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina and Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, held a hearing this week to examine Russia’s persecution of Ukrainian Christians.

    Pray for the chairs and members of committees and task forces as they hold investigations and hear testimony.

    Judicial Branch: Pray for Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges

    The Supreme Court has been asked to consider a case that would protect the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s educational and personal development. Sixteen state attorneys general have made the request after the case was dismissed by district and circuit courts.

    Pray for wisdom for the Supreme Court justices as they consider the cases they will add to their docket for the fall session.

Featured Leaders For Prayer

  • Marisa Lago, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

    Marisa Lago, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

    Under Secretary Lago highlighted the Commerce Department’s support of Europe’s energy security and independence at the fifth P-TECC ministerial in Bucharest, Romania.


  • Andy Ogles, U.S. Representative for Tennessee

    Andy Ogles, U.S. Representative for Tennessee

    Congressman Andy Ogles introduced impeachment articles this week against Vice President Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors.


  • Judge Bridget Brennan, Northern Ohio U.S. District Court

    Judge Bridget Brennan, Northern Ohio U.S. District Court

    Judge Bridget Brennan struck down part of an Ohio election law that sought to place additional safeguards against ballot harvesting.


  • Kathleen Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense

    Kathleen Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense

    Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks outlined the technology upgrades the Pentagon plans to make in the Arctic to compete with Russia and China.


As we lift up the federal government of United States of America, each day we will highlight one elected or appointed federal official serving in office. Pray with us for each of them as they tackle their unique responsibilities and fulfill their oaths of office.


  • John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications
    • John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications

      John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications

      • Born – 1963 in St. Peterburg, Florida
      • Education – B.A., University of South Florida; M.S., Troy University; M.A., Naval War College
      • Military Service – U.S. Navy
      • Profession – Naval officer
      • Political Experience – State Department spokesman, State Department public affairs, Defense Department public affairs, Pentagon press secretary
      • In office since – 2022
      • Family – Married to Donna, 2 children
      • Religious Affiliation – Undisclosed

Presidential Prayer TeamFeaturing twelve former U.S. Presidents – Only 1,000 copies available!

Presidential Prayer Team


  • Issue 657 – Faith and Prayer History

    Sensible of the importance of Christian piety and virtue to the order and happiness of a state, I cannot but earnestly commend to you every measure for their support and encouragement… Manners, by which not only the freedom, but the very existence of the republics, are greatly affected, depend much upon the public institutions of religion and the good education of youth; in both these instances our fathers laid wise foundations, for which their posterity have had reason to bless their memory.

    – John Hancock,
    Governor of Massachusetts,
    October 1780

See more of America’s History of Faith and Prayer quotes.

  • Issue 657 – National Prayer Needs

    Additional National Prayer Needs

    Pray for America’s Military

    U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall announced an agreement for Boeing to produce the first rapid prototype E-7 battle management aircraft. The service is planning to replace the aging E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control system (AWACS) fleet with the E-7.

    Pray for leaders in the Armed Forces and the Pentagon as they make decisions about upgrading and modernizing weapons and technologies.


    Ukrainian drone attacks have struck a ferry port and vehicles in several villages in Russia. A Russian drone attacked a northeastern Ukraineian energy facility leaving 50,000 without power. Russia’s defense ministry also reported destroying 25 Ukrainian aerial drones earlier this week.

    Pray for discernment for U.S. governing officials as they continue to assess the support and aid requests from Ukraine.


    After speaking before a joint session of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Joe Biden to discuss the conflicts his nation faces with Hamas and Hezbollah. The two leaders discussed the need to strengthen the alliance between Israel and the U.S.

    Pray for wisdom for the president and U.S. foreign advisors as they assess the requests of Israel for continued and increased support.


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a Listeria outbreak across a dozen states connected to deli meat. Officials report that the disease is dangerous to vulnerable populations and recommends heating deli meat to 165º before consuming.

    Pray for CDC officials as they seek the source of the Listeria outbreak.

    Pray for Needs Across the States

    Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen issued a “statement of principles” ahead of the legislature’s special session to address tax exemptions. The exemptions the governor proposed include no sales tax on food, human medicines, agriculture inputs, or manufacturing materials.

    The Maryland Board of Public Works approved Governor Wes Moore’s plan to reduce the state’s operating budget to increase Medicaid and state childcare programs.

    Pray for state officials as they seek to manage their budgets, evaluate taxes, and provide programs..

    Pray for America’s Faith Community

    “Jesus is dying on the cross and He says, ‘Today, you shall be with Me in Paradise.‘ … You know that Jesus died before the thief did, you remember the soldiers were surprised that he died so soon and he was dead when they got to him. What that means is that Jesus was already there in Paradise, waiting for the thief, and he was probably the very first one to greet him. They met, that day, in Paradise. … Paul said, ‘I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better.‘ He says, I want to die. I am itching to get on with my glorification. My bags are packed, I’m ready to go. But, he says, ‘to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. And therefore God has not yet given me the privilege of death.‘ That will come a little later. What an optimistic view about death. … the reason the Apostle Paul is so excited to die is, he was saying, ‘I can hardly wait until I see Jesus and it is so exciting to me, I wish I could go today. But God wants me to live for your benefit.‘ And he was expecting to see Christ at death. … In 2 Corinthians chapter 5, ‘To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.‘“ – Erwin Lutzer, Running to Win, July 2024


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