U.S. Responds to North Korea with Military Exercise

Air defense drills have intensified. The U.S. military organized air defense artillery exercises in the Yellow Sea on Tuesday from one of its bases in South Korea. U.S.…

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U.S.-Japan Make Joint Statement on Indo-Pacific Security

Maintain strong objection to China’s ongoing claims for power. The U.S. Department of Defense released a joint statement last week made by the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee. Secretary…

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Secretary of State Seeks to Strengthen Indo-Pacific Partnership

Says good relations will deter Chinese aggression. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Southeast Asia for the first time on Tuesday, giving a speech in Indonesia to mark…

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President Xi Says China Does Not Seek Dominance

Comments come after U.S. State Department responds to South China Sea incident with the Philippines. Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, said on Monday that China will not bully its…

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President Biden Meets with President Xi

Discuss matters of national security and the Indo-Pacific. President Biden met virtually with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday. The video conference lasted over three hours and covered…

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U.S. Nuclear Sub Damaged in South China Sea

Underwater collision that caused injuries among the crew is being investigated. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy announced that one of their Cold War-era Seawolf-class, nuclear-powered, fast attack submarines…

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U.S. Concerned About Taiwan and China

China ignores U.S. warnings, continues warplane flights over Taiwan.  On Friday, China flew 38 military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. On Saturday, it sent 30 planes toward…

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U.S. and China Hold Military Talks

Two-day video conference between Major General Huang Xueping and  U.S. Defense Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Chase. The United States and China held a two-day video conference as tensions…

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China Sends Military Aircraft to Taiwan’s Airspace

Claims sovereignty over the island nation that has applied for Pacific trade group membership. On Thursday, Taiwan announced its application for membership to a Pacific trade group that…

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U.S. and U.K. Defense Leaders Meet at Pentagon

The relationship was reaffirmed and security priorities were discussed. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks met with the U.K. National Security Advisor Sir Stephen Lovegrove at the…

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