Defense Secretary Meets with Chinese Counterpart

Discussions included Taiwan, North Korea, and Ukraine.  On Friday morning in Singapore, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Chinese counterpart, the Minister of National Defense General Wei…

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Deputy Secretary of State to Travel to Pacific

Will visit Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Laos. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman will be traveling throughout South East Asia from June 5 to 14.…

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U.S. Delegation Makes Visit to Taiwan

China sends 30 warplanes in show of force.  A delegation led by Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois arrived in Taipei on Monday on a previously unannounced visit. The delegation…

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President Meets with Indo-Pacific Leaders

Russian invasion of Ukraine a key topic.  President Biden met with the leaders of Japan, Australia, and India for a second in-person summit of the Indo-Pacific Quad countries. While…

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President Takes Four-Day Trip to Asia

South Korea and Japan are on his schedule.  President Joe Biden departed Thursday on his first trip to Asia since taking office. His four-day trip that includes Seoul,…

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Secretary Austin Welcomes Thailand’s Prime Minister

Announces first trip to Thailand as defense secretary. Thailand’s Prime Minister and Defense Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha paid a visit to the Pentagon on Friday, where Secretary Austin welcomed…

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President Hosts Southeast Asian Leaders

Will unveil new regional trade pact plan.  The leaders of eight Southeast Asian nations were hosted at the White House by the president this week for a two-day…

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Pentagon Confirms North Korea Missile Launch

South Korea and Japan alerted globe to the event. A week ago, Japanese and South Korean officials said that North Korea launched a missile into the Sea of…

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China Warns U.S. Defense Secretary on Taiwan

The defense officials hold their first call.  China’s defense minister told U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that Taiwan is a part of China during the first phone…

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Congress Expresses Concern over Indo-Pacific

Several federal legislators visit Taiwan. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the general acceptance of it by China, has prompted concern among many in Congress about the…

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