Taiwan Not Part of China, Secretary Pompeo Affirms

China says it will retaliate if moves are made that undermine its interests. In a radio interview Thursday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “Taiwan has not been…

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Administration Approves Drone Sale to Taiwan

$600 million sale will give island nation four advanced surveillance drones.  President Trump’s administration announced that it had approved the sale of four advanced surveillance drones to Taiwan…

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U.S. Makes $62 Billion Weapons Deal with Taiwan

Sale involves 90 F16 fighter jets. Over the next ten years, Taiwan will purchase 90 F16 fighter jets from the U.S. under a $62 billion weapons deal announced…

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Army Report Says North Korea has Nukes

Could have as many as 100 nuclear devices by the end of the year. The U.S. Army has published its “North Korean Tactics” assessment that says they believe…

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HHS Secretary Holds China Responsible for COVID-19 Spread

American withdrawl from WHO continues. While on a trip to Taiwan to discuss the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex…

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U.S. Health Secretary Praises Taiwan on Visit

Island nation has succeeded in approach to coronavirus. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is in Taiwan on the highest-level visit to that nation by a…

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Secretary Azar Leading Delegation to Taiwan

The move is opposed by Beijing. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar will travel to Taiwan in the next few days to discuss the global response to…

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Offers to Help America Coming In

Taiwan and Carnival Cruise Lines are stepping up. Doctors and nurses in America could soon receive a welcome influx of hospital masks from Taiwan. An official with the…

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