White House Announces Numerous New Sanctions

The move is in response to violations of human rights. The U.S. Department of the Treasury placed new sanctions on 15 individuals and 10 entities across China, Russia,…

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Treasury Department Introduces Sanctions Against Belarus

New sanctions come in response to human rights violations by the Lukashenka regime. The Department of the Treasury announced on Thursday that they were putting even more sanctions…

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U.S. Issues Sanctions Against Certain Ethiopians

The move is in response to human rights abuses. In response to human rights abuses committed as the country of Ethiopia endures a civil war, the United States…

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Administration Issues Iranian Drone-Related Sanctions

The action comes after Iranian drone program targeted U.S. troops in the region.  On Friday, President Biden’s administration sanctioned a top Iranian military official for his role in…

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Administration Imposes New Sanctions on Syria

Eight individuals and 10 entities have been blacklisted. The U.S. Department of the Treasury on Wednesday imposed fresh Syria-related sanctions on individuals and entities, increasing pressure on President…

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U.S. Joins Europe, UK in imposing sanctions on China.

Actions are in response to treatment of Uyghur Muslims.  On Monday, the United States, European Union, and the United Kingdom announced a new joint effort to address human…

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President Places Sanctions on Myanmar

Funds will be released when the military steps down. On Wednesday, President Biden announced that the United States would be placing sanctions on the nation of Myanmar. This…

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President Considers Sanctions Against Myanmar

Expresses concerns over the military removal of government leader. In the wake of the military taking control of Myanmar and detaining the leaders of its civilian government, President…

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U.S. Imposes More Sanctions on Iran

Secretary Pompeo supports “maximum pressure” approach. Sanctions were placed on a top Iranian charity and its affiliates Wednesday by the State Department and U.S. Treasury, who stated that the…

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U.S. Treasury Sanctions Former Foreign Minister of Lebanon

Department puts pressure on Hezbollah group ally. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the U.S. Treasury put sanctions on Lebanon’s former minister of foreign affairs Gebran Bassil…

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