ICE Changes Policy Regarding International Students

Foreign students who attend online only courses will no longer be required to leave the country. During the week, administration officials announced that it would no longer be…

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House to Vote on Huge Sanctions Bill

Proposal would also apply to China and Russia for supplying weapons to Iran. The largest package of sanctions in history is being prepared for Wednesday release in Congress.…

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American Prisoners Abroad Call For Better Communication

Reliable access to government information a must for hostage families. The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation recently released a report based on interviews with 25 former hostages and…

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President Cancels Camp David G7 Meeting

The summit will be hosted via video-teleconference instead. On Thursday, President Trump said he has canceled the in-person G7 summit scheduled for June at Camp David due to…

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Troops Begin Leaving Middle East

After build-up to counter Iran The United States is trimming the 90,000 troops across the Middle East, drawing them down in small numbers. Iran, which was the cause…

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Secretary Pompeo Pledges $1 Billion for European Energy

Remarks given at Munich Security Conference Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Europe over the weekend to attend the Munich Security Conference. During his speech, Secretary Pompeo…

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Senator Graham Questions Africa Policy

Confronts Defense Secretary on troop withdrawal Senator Lindsey Graham led a group of partisan lawmakers in confronting Defense Secretary Mark Esper over the Trump Administration’s plan to withdraw…

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President Trump Traveling to India This Month

Will include meetings with top executives President Trump is scheduled to visit India on February 24 and 25 for the first time since taking office. He will travel…

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U.S., Taliban Reach Violence Reduction Pact

Could lead to U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan Announced Friday, the United States reached agreement with the Taliban on a weeklong reduction of violence that could lead to…

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New Concerns Over Chinese Cell Tower Spying

National Security Advisor issues warning Cell tower equipment sold and used around the world, including the U.S., provides a means by which a Chinese company can secretly tap…

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