President and First Lady Visit Post-Flood Kentucky

 The town flooded after previous tornado devastation. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden visited Mayfield, Kentucky Monday, meeting with residents after the town experienced the worst…

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First Lady Pledges Mental Health Support to Ukraine

Ukrainian first lady makes her first trip since the war began Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska made her first trip outside of Ukraine since the war began, paying…

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New Postage Stamp Honors Nancy Reagan

First Lady Jill Biden unveils stamp at White House.  On Monday, First Lady Jill Biden praised Nancy Reagan as a first lady who “made such a difference” as…

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President and First Lady Go to Uvalde Sunday

He will meet with the families of shooting victims.  From the White House, President Joe Biden said, “Jill and I will be traveling to Texas in the coming…

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First Lady Addresses Youth Mental Health

Hosts conversation at White House with surgeon general. This week, First Lady Jill Biden hosted a discussion on Youth Mental Health at the White House. She was joined…

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First Lady Makes Surprise Visit to Ukraine

Celebrates Mother’s Day with Ukrainian First Lady. During her visit to Slovakia, First Lady Jill Biden made an unannounced trip to Ukraine to visit with the Ukrainian First…

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President Issues Mother’s Day Proclamation

 “They are our rocks in moments of crisis and our guiding lights when we need it most,” the president said. President Joe Biden issued the following proclamation for…

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First Lady to Meet with Ukrainian Refugees On Mother’s Day

Part of trip to Romania and Slovakia this coming weekend. First Lady Jill Biden’s office said Monday that she is scheduled to visit Romania and Slovakia from May…

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First Lady to Travel to Romania and Slovakia

She plans to meet with Ukrainian refugees.  First Lady Jill Biden will travel later this week to Romania and Slovakia to meet with U.S. service members and Ukrainian…

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Jill Biden Speaks at State Department Function

Comments on Ukraine at annual women’s award ceremony. First Lady Jill Biden spoke at the 16th International Women in Courage Award ceremony on Monday, commending the bravery of…

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