First Lady Shares Video Message for International Women’s Day

Communicates support especially for women in Ukraine and Russia. First Lady Jill Biden marked International Women’s Day on Tuesday with a video message to women around the world,…

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First Lady Confirms No Free Community College

 Part of compromise in Build Back Better negotiations.  First Lady Jill Biden confirmed on Monday that free community college was officially off the table in Build Back Better…

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Christmas Statement from the President and First Lady

Speak of the joy of the birth of Christ and the promise of hope and renewal. Statement from President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden With gratitude…

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President Biden Honors 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack

In his message, he honored “the Greatest Generation” for their service to the country. On Tuesday, President Biden visited the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. to…

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First Lady Unveils White House Christmas Décor

This year’s theme is “Gifts from the Heart.”  On Monday, First Lady Jill Biden revealed her White House Christmas décor. She chose symbols to carry her “Gifts from the…

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First Lady Visits Military Families in Naples

Reflects on her family ties to the military. First Lady Jill Biden traveled to Naples, Italy, on Monday to visit with families on the U.S. military base there.…

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President Biden Meets Pope Francis

The first lady, secretary of state, and national security advisor accompany the president. President Biden arrived at the Vatican on Friday to begin his European tour. The president…

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First Lady Will Go to Tokyo Olympics

The Japanese government has declared a COVID emergency. First Lady Jill Biden will travel to Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics despite the Japanese government declaring a state of…

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President Biden’s Dog Champ Dies

“Everything was instantly better when he was next to us.” Over the weekend, the White House announced that Champ, the older of President Joe Biden and First Lady…

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First Lady Visits Reopened Smithsonian

Celebrates with chocolate chip cookies from the White House. The Smithsonian closed its doors in March 2020 in its efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Finally,…

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