Intelligence Director Testifies to Growing Threats to U.S. Elections

DHS also assessed the challenges that AI poses to this year’s elections. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines recently testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, that the number…

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State Department Releases Annual Human Rights Report

The agency outlines the top areas of concern for human rights violations. The U.S. State Department released the 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices this week. The…

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Former U.S. Diplomat Pleads Guilty as Cuban Agent

Avoids severe espionage charges by accepting multiple lesser crimes Former U.S. diplomat Manuel Rocha pled guilty to charges of conspiracy for working as a foreign agent for the…

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Appeals Court Says Florida Cannot Ban Chinese Land Ownership 

The state law also bans land ownership near military installations for citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The Eleventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals…

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House Speaker Heads Group of Legislators in Visit to Eagle Pass 

Customs and Border Protection agents say more than 300,000 migrants entered the nation in December. House Speaker Mike Johnson and 60 other legislators are scheduled to visit the…

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China Seeks to Develop Surveillance Base in Cuba

U.S. officials voice concerns over reports that the CCP has offered billions to Cuba to establish an intelligence facility. An agreement has reportedly been reached between Cuban and…

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U.S. and Colombia Release Joint Statement on Migration

The two nations affirm their commitment to address illegal and support legal immigration. The U.S. State Department recently released a joint commitment made by the United States and…

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U.S. Embassy in Havana Resumes Full Visa Processing

New applicants no longer have to go to Guyana for processing interviews. The U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba, resumed its full immigrant visa processing services this week. The…

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President Offers Legal Pathway for Some Migrants

Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan migrants must adhere to the asylum application process. President Joe Biden, in addressing the topic of the U.S.-Mexico border and the likely end…

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Administration Considers Title 42 Expansion

Cubans, Nicaraguans. and Haitians could be included in mass expulsions.  President Biden’s administration is considering expanding Title 42 restrictions to apply to Cuban, Nicaraguan and Haitian migrants. Administration…

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