Intelligence Director Testifies to Growing Threats to U.S. Elections

DHS also assessed the challenges that AI poses to this year’s elections.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines recently testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, that the number of outside actors trying to influence U.S. elections is rapidly increasing.

“Russia remains the most active foreign threat to our elections,” Director Haines said, reviewing declassified intelligence assessments with committee members. “The Russian government’s goals in such influence operations tend to include eroding trust in U.S. democratic institutions, exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the United States, and degrading Western support to Ukraine.”

Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, chair of the committee, said the assessments identified not just Russia, China, and Iran but also Cuba, Venezuela, Islamic militants “and a range of foreign hacktivists and profit-motivated cybercriminals” as seeking to influence U.S. politics.

Days later, a Department of Homeland Security assessment outlined how artificial intelligence technology could be used to undermine the 2024 election.

The department stated, “As the 2024 election cycle progresses, generative AI tools likely provide both domestic and foreign threat actors with enhanced opportunities for interference by aggravating emergent events, disrupting election processes, or attacking election infrastructure.”

The bulletin said that such technology could be wielded to “influence and sow discord” in upcoming U.S. elections.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Director Haines to receive God’s guidance in her role in the federal intelligence community.
  • For The DHS secretary and officials as they considers ways to enhance election security and integrity.

Sources: Reuters, ABC News


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