Former U.S. Government Official Arrested as South Korean Foreign Agent

Former CIA analyst and NSC director is charged with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Su Mi Terry, a South Korean native, has been arrested for functioning…

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‘Five Eyes’ Allies Warns that China is Recruiting Former Fighter Pilots

Intelligence agencies alert troops to Beijing’s efforts to gather combat tactics using high-salary offers and personal connections. Intelligence agencies from the U.S. and allied nations are alerting troops…

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Intelligence Director Testifies to Growing Threats to U.S. Elections

DHS also assessed the challenges that AI poses to this year’s elections. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines recently testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, that the number…

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House Passes FISA Renewal

House Speaker pledges to bring a separate measure to the floor that would block the U.S. from purchasing Americans’ information. The House of Representatives passed a bill to…

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President Says U.S. Commitment to Israel is “Ironclad”

He responds to threats made by Iran against Israel. President Joe Biden said he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Iran threatened to attack the nation…

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Intelligence Agencies Submit 2024 Threat Assessment to Senate

FBI director testifies about the threats emanating from the southern border. The directors of National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of…

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Former U.S. Diplomat Pleads Guilty as Cuban Agent

Avoids severe espionage charges by accepting multiple lesser crimes Former U.S. diplomat Manuel Rocha pled guilty to charges of conspiracy for working as a foreign agent for the…

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House Legislation Seeks More Information on Havana Syndrome

The bill requires the Pentagon to provide detailed health reports to Congress. Members of the House are questioning the conclusion by the U.S. intelligence community that the Havana…

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DIA Assesses Cyber Security for Network Modernization

The agency is working to fortify the global intelligence network with upgrades. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is modernizing the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), a top-secret…

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CIA Director Engages in Talks on Hamas Hostages 

He will also discuss solutions to ending the conflict with Middle Eastern officials.  Director Bill Burns of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is meeting with the heads of…

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