Navy Sends Carrier Strike Group Home from Israel

Second carrier and warships remain to prevent escalation from Iran. The Navy announced last week that the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier strike group will be returning to…

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Treasury Department Sanctions Houthi Funding Network

Houthi rebels have escalated attacks in the Red Sea.  The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control implemented sanctions against an alleged funding network that sends Iranian…

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Pentagon Concerned Over Costs of Houthi Attacks

They compare a $2M missile with a $2,000 drone.  Over the past two months, U.S. Navy destroyers have shot down 38 drones and multiple missiles launched by Houthi…

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U.S. Defense Secretary Meets with Israeli Officials

He urged Israel to protect Gazans. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Israeli counterpart and the nation’s military chief on Monday in Tel Aviv. Secretary Austin…

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U.S. Joins International Operation to Defend Red Sea Commercial Ships

39 nations commit to dissuade frequent attacks by Houthi rebels. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on December 18 that the United States would be joining 38 nations…

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U.S. Destroyer Shoots Down Drones in Red Sea

Houthi rebels claim responsibility for the attacks against the U.S. vessel and three commercial vessels. The Pentagon confirmed that a U.S. warship and commercial vessels in the Red…

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Missiles Fired at U.S. Warship in the Gulf of Aden

The missiles were fired from the direction of Yemen. The Pentagon announced that two ballistic missiles were fired in the direction of the USS Mason, a Navy warship,…

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U.S. Navy Shoots Down Yemen-Fired Drone 

The drone was headed toward a U.S. warship. The Pentagon announced Wednesday that sailors aboard the USS Thomas Hunter engaged a drone that originated from Yemen and was…

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U.S. Drone Shot Down by Houthis 

Pentagon seeks to contain Middle Eastern conflict. The Pentagon confirmed the report that Houthi rebels in Yemen, a terror group backed by Iran, shot down an American Reaper…

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Navy Warship Intercepts Three Missiles Fired from Yemen 

Unclear if missiles were aimed at Israel.  The USS Carney, a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea, took out three missiles that had been fired from Yemen on…

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