Coronavirus Task Force Holds Press Conference

Vice President Pence lauds work of medical community. Sixteen states now have rising cases of the COVID-19 virus, Vice President Mike Pence reported in a press conference held…

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Vice President Announces New Virus Task Force Members

Additions seek to balance public health with reopening economy. Vice President Mike Pence announced the addition of new members to the Coronavirus Task Force. His efforts signal a balance…

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Coronavirus Task Force Briefing for Friday

“We pray that God will heal the sick and comfort the heartbroken and bless our heroes,” said President Trump.

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This Could be Peak Week for Virus

Particular concerns were raised for four areas. Admiral Brett Giroir, a physician and member of the White House coronavirus task force, warned on Monday that America could face…

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Report from Monday Coronavirus Task Force Briefing

“Challenging times are ahead,” the president says. The White House coronavirus task force convened another update on Monday as the magnitude of the disaster continues to expand and…

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President Trump’s Coronavirus Briefing for Sunday

Federal guidelines extended to April 30th. Prior to the briefing of the task force, President Trump met in the Cabinet Room with the supply chain distributors who reported…

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Task Force Briefing for Wednesday

Making progress against COVID-19. President Trump said America continues to gain ground in the fight against the coronavirus. We want to get back to normal as quickly as…

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Tuesday Virus Task Force Briefing

President says “America needs to be a truly independent nation.” President Trump said that America is beginning to see the “light at the end of the tunnel,” as…

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President and Task Force Engage in “Town Hall”

White House is not considering a nationwide lockdown. President Trump, Vice President Pence and other members of the coronavirus task force appeared in the Rose Garden at the…

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