White House Expands Small Business Access to Federal Contracts

OMB guidance expands access for small businesses to high-value and high use contracts. President Biden’s administration released guidance this week on the expansion of access to federal contracts…

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Speaker Offers Ukraine Aid for Border Bill

Office of Management and Budget has reported the funds to Ukraine have run down. House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana said negotiations over President Biden’s nearly $106 billion…

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Government Accountability Office Finds Massive Spending Discrepancies 

Four administration departments and 49 agencies “flagged.”  The Government Accountability Office issued a report on incorrectly reported spending or missing reports on government spending information.  The Departments of…

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DOE Using Significantly More AI for Agency Processes in 2023

Report shows AI was applied around 180 times in the last year. The Department of Energy reported a significant increase in its use of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout…

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President Nominates New Ambassador to Israel

Jack Lew is a former Treasury Secretary. President Joe Biden has nominated Jack Lew, who was chief of staff during President Obama’s administration and a former Treasury Secretary,…

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Government Budget Negotiations Continue

President names advisors to his negotiating team. Before President Joe Biden headed to Japan and the G7 Summit, he added two advisers to his administration’s budget negotiation team.…

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Administration Investing $140M in AI Research and Development  

Office of Management and Budget will provide policy guidelines. The White House announced an investment of $140 million in research and development of artificial intelligence ahead of a…

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Government Agencies Have 30 Days to Remove Tik Tok 

Social media app is under increasing scrutiny.  The White House Office of Management and Budget says federal agencies have 30 days to assure all government devices are wiped…

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EPA Sends White House Plan for Soot Pollution Cap

Businesses are concerned with proposed deadlines and the budget in the final draft. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent its final plan for smog and soot regulation to…

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Commerce Secretary Appoints a FirstNet Board Member

Secretary Gina Raimondo selects one of 12 non-permanent members. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo recently appointed Renee Gordon to serve as one of 12 non-permanent members on the…

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