Energy Department Announces “Energy for Space” Strategy

This week, the Department of Energy (DOE) released its “Energy for Space” strategy outlining recommendations for future space exploration policy. The National Space Policy unveiled recently by the…

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SpaceX Capsule Arrives at International Space Station

Successful journey carried four astronauts. The International Space Station will be home for the next six months for four astronauts who arrived safely in the SpaceX capsule. The…

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NASA Finds Evidence of Water on the Moon

Not yet certain if it is viable for lunar base.  NASA announced this week that it had observed frozen water in the Clavius crater on the Moon. The…

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NASA Announces New Space Partners

Partnerships will develop new space technologies.  On Thursday, NASA announced that it had determined the organizations that it would be partnering with over the next few years to…

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NASA Astronauts Return to Earth Safely

First commercial American manned flight successful. On Sunday, two NASA astronauts safely splashed down off the coast of Pensacola, Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. The landing marked…

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NASA Launches New Mars Rover

This is NASA’s ninth journey to the surface of Earth’s neighbor planet. The latest-generation Mars rover Perseverance blasted off atop nt Atlas 5 rocket from Florida’s Cape Canaveral…

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SpaceX Crew Dragon Docks with Space Station

Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken welcomed aboard International Space Station on their historic test flight mission. The spacecraft made its “soft capture” docking with the ISS after…

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SpaceX Launch Delayed

Poor weather postpones flight until Saturday. The much-anticipated launch of the SpaceX rocket ship from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida has been postponed to Saturday, following unfavorable…

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President Plans to Attend SpaceX Crewed Launch

First Time manned missions have launched from the U.S. since the space shuttle missions. This week, President Trump plans to travel to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida…

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Human Space Flight Administrator Resigns

Resignation came one week before astronauts resume NASA launches from U.S. Douglas Loverro, the head of NASA’s human spaceflight office tendered his resignation last week. The announcement came…

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