Senator Schumer Leads Delegation to Israel

Weekend visit shows U.S. support.  A delegation of legislators led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York traveled to Israel over the weekend to meet with…

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Laphonza Butler Sworn In as New Senator from California

She commits “to work for women and girls, workers and unions.“ Laphonza Butler was sworn in as the new senator from California this week, filling in the seat…

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Senate Delegation to Visit China 

Bipartisan group also scheduled to go to South Korea and Japan.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York along with Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho will be…

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Senator Dianne Feinstein Dead at Age 90 

She had served in the Senate since 1992.  After suffering months of declining health, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California passed away Thursday night. The San Francisco native had been…

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Senate Prepares Bipartisan Continuing Resolution 

Senator McConnell calls it the “clearest path forward.”  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said a bipartisan group of senators worked over the weekend and came up with a…

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Senate Majority Leader to Host AI Forum

A number of tech company leaders are confirmed attendees. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York will be holding the first artificial intelligence (AI) insight forum on…

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Senate Drafting Stopgap Spending Bill Ahead of House

Senators work to extend the deadline for the annual funding bill. Congress returned to Capitol Hill on Tuesday after the month-long summer August recess. The Senate is working…

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House Speaker Proposes Stopgap Continuing Resolution

The short-term government funding measure would avert a shutdown. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy of California is suggesting a short-term measure in Congress to avoid a government…

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Congress Heads for August Break 

Appropriations made scant progress before recess. Both chambers of Congress have departed Washington, D.C., for the August recess. Appropriations for the coming fiscal year are due by the…

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Senate Holds First Classified Briefing on Artificial Intelligence

Senators respond to technological advances and limitations of AI. This week the full Senate received a classified briefing by intelligence and defense officials, including Director of National Intelligence…

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