Semi-Automatic Weapons Ban Voted Down in Senate

A unanimous vote was required to reauthorize 1994 legislation. A weapons ban and universal background check measure was recently voted down in the U.S. Senate. Members of the…

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Emergency Aid Funding Blocked in Senate

Minority members seek to address the southern border. A $110.5 billion emergency spending bill was voted down in the Senate on Wednesday, as minority members reemphasized the need…

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Senators Question Military Officials During Classified Briefing

The issue of the southern border was brought up during discussions about Ukraine.  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Charles Q. Brown, Jr.,…

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Ukrainian President Zelensky Cancels Senate Classified Meeting

Debates intensify regarding ongoing Ukraine funding. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky canceled a classified meeting on Tuesday, the day before the Senate was set to vote on $61 billion…

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Senator Schumer Calls on Nation to Reject Antisemitism 

He warns against allowing debate over events in Israel to cross over into hatred of Jewish people at large. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York gave…

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Senate Majority Leader Plans Ukraine Funding Proposal

He writes a letter urging bipartisan support for national security. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced this past weekend that he will be bringing legislation proposing additional funding…

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Bulk Military Confirmations Still on Hold in Senate

Senators Tuberville and Lee maintain block due to Defense Department policy violating the Hyde Amendment. The Senate was unsuccessful in its effort to confirm military promotions this week…

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Senate Will Not Take Up Israel Stand-Alone Support Bill

The majority leader wants a multi-aid package as does the president. The House of Representatives passed a bill that would provide $14.3 billion in aid to Israel in…

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President Issues Executive Order on AI 

Expansive order includes safety and privacy issues.  On Monday, the White House announced the president has issued an executive order to require AI companies to address safety and…

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Senate Working to Quickly Approve Military Aid for Israel

Majority Leader Schumer hopes actions motivate the House. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said on Sunday that the Senate is working to pass a military…

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