Defense Secretary Cancels Drag Show at Military Base

Air Force officials had approved a third annual performance at Nellis Air Force Base. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark…

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Congress Takes Up Budget Hearings

The National Defense Authorization Act is one of the key items. Congress returned from Easter break to begin over 20 budget hearings in the House and Senate Appropriations…

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Secretary Blinken Presents Budget Request to Foreign Affairs Committee

Secretary Blinken urges Congress to address “intense competition” in post-Cold War world. Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered the 2024 budget proposal for his department to the House…

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Secretary Austin Testifies Before House Appropriations Committee

He proposed a budget aimed at keeping ahead of China’s arms race. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III presented his department’s proposed budget for the Fiscal Year 2024…

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Pentagon to Submit Historic Budget 

Defense Department is seeking $835 billion from Congress.  The largest, non-inflation-adjusted budget request in history is being submitted to Congress from the Department of Defense for its fiscal…

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Senate Minority Leader Supports Increased Defense Spending

He responds to some members of Congress suggesting that cuts be made. Senator Mitch McConnell, the chamber’s minority leader, said that there ought to be increases in America’s…

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Bill Would Cut $100 Billion from Defense Budget 

It is part of the debate over the debt ceiling.  Representatives Barbara Lee of California and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin introduced the “People Over Pentagon Act” Wednesday. The…

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U.S. and Israel Conducting Joint Military Drill

CENTCOM says the drill will be broad in scope, complexity, and significant in size.  A combined, joint-all domain military exercise known as Juniper Oak is underway this week…

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President Authorizes Additional Aid to Ukraine

More military assistance being drawn from Defense Department. This week, President Joe Biden issued another authorization under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for aid to Ukraine. He…

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Federal Legislators Continue to Work on Funding Bill

Congress tries to avert a government shutdown Friday. Members of Congress have unveiled a $1.7 trillion government spending bill that would provide $858 billion to the military. Domestic…

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