Legislators Concerned by Commerce Department Deal with UAE AI Company

Chairs of congressional committees say the company’s previous ties to Beijing could leak technologies to China. Federal legislators are wary of a recent investment deal crafted by the…

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DHS Adds 26 Chinese Textile Companies to Forced Labor List

Those listed are prohibited from exporting goods into the U.S. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) added 26 textile companies based in China to the Uyghur Forced Labor…

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House Committee Urges Investigation into Chinese Olympians for Doping

Legislators say the WADA report confirmed that 23 swimmers from China avoided U.S. sanctions. The House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the…

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Intelligence Director Testifies to Growing Threats to U.S. Elections

DHS also assessed the challenges that AI poses to this year’s elections. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines recently testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, that the number…

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President Hikes Tariffs on Chinese Imports

Sectors include electric vehicles, microchips, and medical products. President Joe Biden announced a variety of increases in tariffs on imported Chinese goods from the White House Rose Garden…

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U.S. and China Hold AI Discussion in Switzerland

Officials are seeking mutually agreeable rules to reduce artificial intelligence risks. As the United States and China vie for supremacy in artificial intelligence (AI) technology policy, representatives from…

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TikTok Sues U.S. Government Over Upcoming Ban

The lawsuit claims the recently passed law allows Congress to “circumvent the First Amendment by invoking national security.“ TikTok filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government this week,…

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U.S. Army Confirms American Soldier Arrested in Russia

National Security Council and House Foreign Affairs chair warn U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Russia. The U.S. Army and National Security Council (NSC) have confirmed that a…

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State Department Announces International Cybersecurity Plan

The strategy calls for increased global cooperation and consensus. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a strategy for international cybersecurity on Monday at the RSA Conference in San…

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USMC Seeks Better Counter-Drone Capabilities

The new center will help to bridge research and development of air defense systems with acquisition and sustainment. The U.S. Marine Corps is looking to upgrade its counter-drone…

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