Legislation Would Expand Mail-In Voting

Pandemic has highlighted voting obstacles. Senator Kamala Harris, a former state attorney general for California, on Thursday announced new legislation that would expand voting by mail and early…

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Congress Considers Vote-by-Mail Options

The goal is to take safety measures in light of COVID-19. Due to the ongoing threats of the COVID-19 pandemic, new bills have been introduced into Congress that…

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Mail-in Ballots Ripe for Fraud says President

He supports in-person voting with identification at polls. The mailing in of ballots has been promoted as a way to combat the spread of the coronavirus. President Donald…

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Senator Sanders Suspends Race for President

“Our movement has won the ideological struggle,” he said. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced Wednesday that he was suspending his second bid for the presidential nomination of the…

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Former Vice President Wins Tuesday Primaries

Puts nomination out of Sanders’ reach Decisive victories were handed to former Vice President Joe Biden by the Democrat voters of Florida, Illinois and Arizona in Tuesday’s primaries.…

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Tuesday Primaries Still Moving Ahead

States taking precautions Primaries scheduled for Arizona, Ohio, Illinois and Florida are proceeding, state authorities say. The states are setting out coronavirus protection plans. States like Florida and…

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Louisiana Postpones Presidential Primaries

Coronavirus precautions put in place Friday saw the State of Louisiana join several other states in taking precautions in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. The primary…

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“Big Tuesday” Democratic Primary Votes Results

Favor former Vice President Joe Biden, but still awaiting results from Washington State Six states held Democrat party primary votes on what has become known as “Big Tuesday,”…

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Six States Holding Primaries on Tuesday

Democrat field has tightened between Biden and Sanders A week after Super Tuesday narrowed the field of Democrat Party contenders for the presidential nomination, six more states will…

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Pray The Vote: Biden Wins South Carolina

Mayor Pete, Steyer drop out ahead of Super Tuesday Former Vice President Joe Biden won big in the South Carolina Democratic party primary Saturday night.  With 100 percent…

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