Issue 534 – Verse of the Week

March 17th – March 23rd, 2022


And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. Luke 18:1

Don’t Lose Heart

The time is coming, and could be soon, when Jesus will return. In the meanwhile, in Luke 18:1-8, He tells His people to pray in the face of injustice and discouragement. Being consistent in your prayer life helps you to stay encouraged, as your walk with the Lord grows ever deeper. Persistent praying gives your worries over to the Savior and acknowledges the power of God over your problems. Praying “Thy kingdom come” is evidence of your faith in the return of Christ as well as belief in God’s sovereignty. Continue to make prayer part of your daily life, whether you set aside a specific time or pray throughout the day. In the face of all the troubles in the world today, it will enable you to not lose heart. 

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