Issue 657 – Verse of the Week

July 25th – July 31st, 2024 VERSE OF THE WEEK All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient. – Exodus 24:7 Absorption Paper towel…

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Issue 657 – Faith and Prayer History

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Issue 657 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs Pray for America’s Military U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall announced an agreement for Boeing to produce the first rapid prototype E-7 battle management…

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Issue 657 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration Secretaries Blinken and Austin are meeting with counterparts across the Indo-Pacific to reassure…

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Issue 656 – Faith and Prayer History

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Issue 656 – Verse of the Week

July 18th – July 24th, 2024 VERSE OF THE WEEK “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” – Joshua 24:15 You Gotta Serve Somebody…

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Issue 656 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs Pray for America’s Military The 3rd Infantry Division is holding exercises to prepare for worldwide emergency deployment. Battalion Commander Lt. Colonel Michael Hefti said…

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Issue 656 – Federal Branches

Praying for Our Leaders in Government Executive Branch: Pray for the President and his Administration Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols said Secretary Blinken…

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Issue 655 – Faith and Prayer History

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Issue 655 – Verse of the Week

July 11th – July 17th, 2024 VERSE OF THE WEEK Having been freed from sin, [you] have become slaves of righteousness. – Romans 6:18 Becoming Righteous You may recall the…

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