September Letter from President

President's Office

The Presidential Prayer Team

Office of the President

September 3, 2020

19 Years of Significant Prayer

Dear Members,

In a few weeks we will be celebrating nineteen years of service to you and this country. As we begin our 20th year, there are many who could take credit for this momentous accomplishment but only one should: God, who placed the idea among a few devout followers in early 2001. It was His perfect timing. The technologies of the day, email and internet were able to bring together millions of praying Americans. As we look back through the years, we can see God’s daily intervention and constant presence as we serve. Our staff, volunteers, administration, and Board of directors recognize that we serve in a place of heavenly blessings. We count it “all joy” to work for the millions who put in the hard work of responding and pray alongside of us.

Today our work continues with God’s provision. The growth is evident through the thousands of new members who discover and join us in prayer each month. The reach of this prayer team has expanded far beyond the internet.  Since 2018, our one-minute radio program, Pause to Pray, is heard daily nationwide, now on over 525 radio stations.  Last year, we added the Pray First network as a print and media division of the prayer team. This has set the stage for significant progress in providing more prayer related content and reaching more of America for prayer. All this again is God’s leading and He uses people – like you and like me – to accomplish His will.

God’s faithfulness should be an encouragement, especially in the face of growing difficulties as the very important 2020 election is drawing close. He is faithful and remains in control of all things.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

People of faith and prayer are greatly feared by those who understand how spiritual battles are fought and won. If you have been listening to IPrayRadio, then you have heard the prayers of our nation. I have prayed along with hundreds of members, and, one by one, I could hear a pattern of compassion and hope in their voices, and I witnessed the leading of God’s Spirit in their words.

Therefore, it is important that this prayer team not only remains strong; but also remains committed to keeping America praying.  And you can help.  First, pray for this prayer team. Pray for your fellow members to remain vigilant and strong prayer warriors. Pray for us. We know we may be targets while in this battle and we need your prayers of protection, wellness, and strength. Finally, pray for God’s provisions over His people and thank Him for his many blessings.

We are a faith ministry which relies solely upon God’s people being generous and supporting our operational costs. Here too God has been faithful and has provided people – just like you – to act and to give.

We understand that 2020 has been a year unlike any we have experienced before, and if you are able to contribute financially, you will help keep the prayer team going into the next decade. As you can see, this is all about willingness to follow God… His calling… His direction… His will. You too, are invited to be a part of this and receive His blessings.

As we look forward to next year celebrating a milestone 20th year of service, don’t let us falter — help us continue the fight for the heart and soul of America. Here’s what you can do:

  • As the Lord leads, show your financial support: Give Now
  • Continue actively talking to and inviting others to pray.
  • Prepare for the new year with our 2021 Calendar: Request Here

Thank you,
Jim Bolthouse

P.S. Silence is often God’s answer to wait, so keep listening. When you hear from Him, it’s time to get moving!

2021 Calendar

2021 Calendar

Full-color 2021 Wall Calendar on premium stock paper. Be inspired toward prayer as you look upon the majesty of our land through 12 months of national parks.

Request yours today!

19th Anniversary

Make a Donation Today

If you are able, consider making a financial gift today to show your support for prayer in and over America.


It’s Time to Cover America in Prayer

Thousands are accepting the challenge to pray daily over America from now through the election. Will you join them? Each prayer adds more threads to a great magnificent prayer blanket to cover the nation.

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