Justice Department Challenges Alabama Transgender Youth Law

Asks court to block law from going into effect. The Justice Department has filed a formal complaint challenging a bill signed into law by Alabama Governor Kay Ivey.…

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Administration to Remove Healthcare Conscience Rights

The rulemaking procedure is underway at HHS.  President Biden’s administration is preparing to propose an end to the religious conscience rule that allows healthcare workers to refuse to…

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White House Launches Diversity and Equity Action Plan

Hundreds of agencies working to fulfill president’s first executive order. President Biden’s administration revealed their Equity Action Plans last week, the result of one of the executive orders…

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HHS Releases HIV/AIDS Care Letter

Encourages the use of existing structures to reduce health disparities for transgender. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a letter last week written by their…

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U.S. to Issue Gender-Neutral Passports

White House says it removes barriers to safe travel. The White House announced Thursday that American citizens who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or gender-nonconforming will be able to…

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State Department Relaxes Passport Gender Requirements

Passport holders will be able to choose gender without birth certificate proof. The State Department announced on Wednesday that people who are applying for passports in the United…

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President Reinstates Transgender Protections

Basing decision on Supreme Court ruling regarding Title VII. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Monday that it was ending policy of the previous…

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