President Biden Proposes Two Debates

His campaign supplies alternate dates to the three presidential debates scheduled for the fall by the debate commission. President Joe Biden has proposed a presidential debate in June…

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CDC Resumes Anti-Smoking Campaign

The agency’s focus is on menthol cigarettes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is running nationwide ads featuring former smokers’ stories of health dangers. The agency’s campaign is particularly…

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FCC Proposes Rebates for Consumers Experiencing TV Blackouts

The commission requests public input on the proposal to compensate for service disruptions. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a proposal that would mandate rebates for consumers experiencing…

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FCC Chair Proposes Policy to Support Local Journalism

Local radio and television stations would be given priority in the license renewal process. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Roseworcel released a notice of proposed rulemaking this…

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FCC Chair Proposes Banning TV Contract Early Termination Fees

She says the move would encourage competition and innovation. Federal Communications Commission Chair Jessica Rosenworcel submitted a proposal this week that would prevent cable and TV providers from…

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Congress Sends Letter to Apple Over Canceled Show

Jon Stewart’s politically-themed show was slated to cover Chinese tech and AI in the coming season. Leaders in the House of Representatives Select Committee on Competition with the…

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Actors Testify on Examples of AI Before House Panel

Marvel movie actor Clark Gregg submitted pornography that used his likeness. Screen Actors Guild member Clark Gregg recently testified before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee, sharing how…

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FEMA to Test Nationwide Emergency System 

All cell phones, radio and television stations will receive alerts. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a test of…

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