President Biden Proposes Two Debates

His campaign supplies alternate dates to the three presidential debates scheduled for the fall by the debate commission.

President Joe Biden has proposed a presidential debate in June and September rather than accepting the three debates closer to Election Day that were set up by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

The president’s campaign chair stated, “The Commission’s model of building huge spectacles with large audiences at great expense simply isn’t necessary or conducive to good debates. The debates should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters, watching on television and at home — not as entertainment for an in-person audience.”

Former President Donald Trump responded that he was “ready and willing” to debate at the times President Biden proposed. He also recommended they hold more than two debates.

The first proposed debate being considered would take place on June 27.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For President Biden and former President Trump as they consider the dates and venues for the presidential debates.
  • For God to accomplish His purposes in the United States and its upcoming elections.

Sources: Axios, PJ Media, CNN


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