FTC and 48 States Sue Facebook over Antitrust

Tech giant has abused its dominance, they allege. The Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general of 48 states led by New York filed antitrust complaints against Facebook.…

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Social Media CEOs Face Senate Panel

Under question is their monitoring and censorship. The chief executives of Facebook, Twitter and Google, the largest social media companies, came before the Senate Commerce Committee in a…

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FCC to Clarify Section 230 of Communications Act

Social media have no right to special immunity, chairman says. On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said the agency will seek to regulate social media platforms…

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Justice Department Looking to Update Social Media Protections

Calls for reforms of Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act. This week, the president’s administration announced that it would be putting together legal briefs to assure that…

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Rollback of Big Tech Protection Considered

Justice Department will propose legislation. Big tech companies like Google and Facebook have for decades had certain legal protections from liability for content posted by their users. Recently,…

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President Suggests Guidelines for Social Platforms

Voices concern about censorship on social media. On Wednesday, President Trump announced that he was considering new regulations, or even shut down orders, for social media companies that…

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