FDA Rescinds Ban on Juul Vaping Products

The agency stated that “scientific issues warranted additional review.” The Food and Drug Administration announced the reversal of the Juul vaping product ban. The agency rescinded the marketing…

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VA Honored for Department Medical Research

Labs recognized by Nature Index, doctors recognized in Time 100 Health List. The Nature Index, a prestigious database of scientific journals, recently recognized the Department of Veterans Affairs…

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First Lady Speaks at NYSE Women’s Health Summit

The event seeks to increase investment in women’s health. First Lady Jill Biden spoke at the Women’s Health Investor Summit at the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan…

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FDA Warns Against Over-the-Counter Pain Relief Products for Cosmetic Procedures

Six companies receive warning letters as the FDA addresses unsafe topical analgesics and urges consumer vigilance. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cautioned against using specific…

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Legislators Attend Lab Launch For Government AI Testing

The lab will assess the risks and possibilities of artificial intelligence models. Senator Mark Warner and Representatives Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly, all from Virginia, attended the opening…

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Federal Court Issues Injunction Against Pharmaceutical Company

The corporation is prohibited from distributing drugs after not complying with federal manufacturing requirements. The District Court of Massachusetts brought a permanent injunction against Pharmasol Corporation, which is…

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Energy Department Invests in Fusion Hub Development

Nuclear fusion offers energy without waste. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced $42 million this month to establish integrated research hubs that will advance and develop nuclear fusion…

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FDA Approves Treatment for Rare Tumors

Though noncancerous, the tumors can decrease quality of life. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Ogsiveo (nirogacestat) tablets as the first-ever treatment for desmoid tumors—a…

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FDA Revokes BVO Food Additive Authorization

Health concerns surrounding brominated vegetable oil led to the change. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced its intention to revoke the authorization for the use…

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HHS Proposes Updates to Research Misconduct Policies

Provides clarification for misconduct definitions and streamlines processes. The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity has proposed updates to its guidelines for identifying and…

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