Transportation Department Announces $1.5 Billion for Reconstruction

First of $8 billion allocated for highway and rail projects. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg recently announced that $1.5 billion in project funding is now available through the…

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Tentative Railroad Labor Deal Reached

President Biden calls it a “big win.” A handshake deal was reached on Thursday morning between unions and major railroads. President Biden’s administration had held negotiation discussions for…

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Amtrak Cancels All Long-Distance Travel Routes

The administration continues to try to resolve the railroad labor dispute. Passenger railroad company Amtrak announced late Wednesday that they will be canceling all of their long-distance routes…

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Administration Urges Railroad Union Resolution

Railroad shutdown could cost $2 billion per day. President Biden’s administration is getting involved in assisting railroad companies and railroad unions to reach a deal to avoid a…

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Amtrak Cancels Long Routes Ahead of Union Meeting

Officials prepare for potential freight strike. Passenger railroad company Amtrak announced that they will cancel three long-distance routes starting Tuesday in case of a freight rail strike that…

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Freight Rail Lines to Halt Hazard Transport

Negotiations continue in the attempt to avoid a strike.  Freight railroads said they are planning to halt the transportation of hazardous minerals and sensitive cargo, such as chemicals…

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DOT Announces $1.4 Billion in Rail Grants

A new implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The Department of Transportation has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for over $1.4 billion in funding through the Consolidated…

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President Appoints Presidential Emergency Board

Executive board to assist in negotiations between freight rail carriers and unions. President Joe Biden issued an executive order appointing a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) to aid in…

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DOT Announces $573 Million for Updated Railroad Crossings

Secretary commends safety efforts as part of Railroad Crossing Elimination Program. The Department of Transportation (DOT) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity last week, making $573 million in…

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DOT Launches $1 Billion Racial Equity Pilot Program

Hopes to address intentional infrastructural segregation. Last week, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced the launch of the Reconnecting Communities program, a $1 billion pilot program intended to reverse…

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