President Biden Attends Climate Summit

Describes climate change as an “existential threat to human existence as we know it.” President Joe Biden spoke before the United Nation’s climate summit, officially the Conference of…

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Joint Energy Statement with France Released

Department of Energy looks forward to new research sharing. On Friday, Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm issued a joint statement with France’s Energy Minister Barbara Pompili declaring, “We…

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U.S. Reenters Paris Climate Accords

John Kerry Calls For Even Further Action On Friday, the United States officially reentered the Paris Climate Accords. The international treaty calls on all nations to limit their…

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President Signs Series of Executive Orders

He makes his first moves on the pandemic and climate change. President Joe Biden signed fifteen executive orders after his swearing-in and visit to Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday.…

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U.S. Exits Paris Climate Accord

Nation to focus on its own emission reduction rather than global agreement. Regardless of the results of election day, the United States will no longer be a member…

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