Storms Moving Through Midwest and South

The National Weather Service described the storm as a “life-threatening situation.”  UPDATE 03/31 8:31 PM EDT A tornado watch is in effect in the states of Illinois, Indiana,…

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Offshore Energy Company Called Out by Congressman

Officials refused to testify about the impact of offshore wind farms on wildlife and the environment. Representative Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey said a “green-energy” giant company…

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NOAA Satellites Helped Rescue 397 People in 2022

NOAA successfully coordinated rescue efforts with partners across the country The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its annual satellite report which tallied the number of lives…

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Severe Storm Hits U.S. West Coast

California experiences heavy rains, snow, hail, flooding, and landslides. The West Coast of the U.S. has been hit with what forecasters call a “bomb cyclone” which is the…

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Blizzard Forecast for Central U.S.

Winter storm warnings are being issued through Christmas and airlines are rebooking flights. Most of the United States will be experiencing colder than usual weather through Christmas, and…

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Forecasts Show U.S. Drought To Worsen

This will be the third straight La Nina winter.  Officials in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say about 82 percent of the country is facing at…

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White House Releases National Strategy for Arctic Region

The announcement highlights four pillars of stewardship and protection. The White House recently announced the administration’s Arctic Region strategy, stating, “The Arctic—home to more than four million people,…

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Hurricane Fiona Hits Puerto Rico

President Biden makes an emergency declaration. The entire island of Puerto Rico lost power Sunday as Hurricane Fiona made a direct hit on the U.S. territory with dangerous…

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Danielle Becomes First Hurricane of 2022

The National Weather Service expects it will not make landfall. Located over the northern Atlantic Ocean between North America and Western Europe, Danielle was upgraded from a tropical…

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NOAA Reports Record High Tide Flooding in 3 Coastal Cities

Agency predicts the phenomenon will grow worse in coming years. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released data on Tuesday showing days in a row of high-tide…

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