House Speaker Promotes Bill Requiring Voter ID

The legislation seeks to ensure that ballots in federal elections are only cast by U.S. citizens. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson promoted election integrity legislation this week…

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FTC Extends Deadline for Facial Recognition Tech Review

The extension allows a comprehensive assessment of ESRB’s age estimation technology proposal. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has extended its commenting deadline by 120 days for considering an…

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Illegal Migrants to Receive Federal IDs 

The program was established in 2022.  Federal identification cards known as ICE Secure Docket Cards will soon be provided to illegal immigrants through Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The cards…

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States to Review Medicaid Eligibility

Estimates suggest millions may lose Medicaid coverage. The government-sponsored Medicaid program covers roughly 84 million people, and new reports indicate that as many as 14 million may not…

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DHS Extends Deadline for REAL ID for Travelers

The time to comply has been pushed back two years.  The Department of Homeland Security announced that it is extending the deadline for traveling passengers to secure their…

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Justice Department Sues Arizona for Voting Law

Feds claim it violates National Voter Registration Act. The Department of Justice is suing the state of Arizona for their recently passed law H.B. 2492, which requires voters…

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Supreme Court Stands With State Legislators on Voter ID

Ruling does not end voter ID disputes.  In an 8-1 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of North Carolina legislative leaders on Thursday in an ongoing fight…

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Justice Department Settles Discrimination Case

UPS will pay penalty and update employee training protocol. The Department of Justice announced a week ago that the United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) settled a civil action…

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“Be Your REAL ID Self” Campaign Launched by DHS

Department raising public awareness of ID requirement with October 1, 2021 deadline. The Department of Homeland Security launched the “Be Your REAL ID Self” public awareness campaign on…

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