Solar Power Technology Competitions Announced

Grants and prizes were announced for community solar projects. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced a number of energy technology competitions last week that will be conducted over…

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Windy Energy Transmission Line Receives Final Approval

Interior Department announces 732-mile-long line to span five western states. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) provided final approval this week for a massive wind transmission line proposed…

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DOE Announces $50 Million for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing

Funds will be distributed through the State Manufacturing Leadership Program. The Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced the availability of $50 million for technology improvements for small- and…

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USDA Accepting Applications for $1 Billion Rural Renewable Energy

Competitive grants open for agricultural producers and small businesses Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced that the USDA is accepting applications for rural renewable energy grants. Agricultural producers…

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Secretary Granholm Concludes Fourth Visit to Puerto Rico

Department of Energy is continuing research for the territory’s renewable energy goals. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm wrapped up her most recent visit to Puerto Rico, where she…

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Offshore Energy Company Called Out by Congressman

Officials refused to testify about the impact of offshore wind farms on wildlife and the environment. Representative Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey said a “green-energy” giant company…

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EPA Issues New Rules for Factories and Power Plants 

The “Good Neighbor Plan” impacts 23 states.  The Environmental Protection Agency introduced new rules that are intended to limit power plant and factory emissions—particularly for those industries located…

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New Energy Legislation Coming in House 

The bill would address fossil fuel production and other energy projects. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California and other members of the House have been putting together a…

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Floating Offshore Wind Shot Summit Held

Multiple federal agencies support transmission study and partner with research facilities. The Department of Energy announced multiple efforts to move forward with floating offshore wind development. Secretary of…

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Wind Lease Sales Available for the Gulf of Mexico 

The interior secretary says there is no time to waste. The Department of the Interior announced the first lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico for wind power…

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