SCOTUS Requests Administration Input on Hawaiian Oil Lawsuit

The solicitor general from the Justice Department will file a brief with the administration’s position.  The Supreme Court requested input from President Biden’s administration over an appeal submitted…

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Administration Restricts Alaska Drilling and Mining

President Biden’s administration continues to pursue its conservation agenda. The Department of the Interior (DOI) has designated millions of acres in Alaska off-limits for oil drilling and critical…

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Energy Department Cancels Oil Purchases for Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The administration cites high oil prices for the delay in refilling low stock. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced it has canceled two upcoming oil purchases that would…

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U.S. Coast Guard Reports Progress on Oil Spill Clean-Up

The spill was reported near one of two drilling platforms over 2 miles from shore. The U.S. Coast Guard reported that there was no apparent oil sheen on…

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Energy Secretary Says SPR Will Be Refilled In The Next Presidential Term

The emergency oil stockpile is at a 40-year low. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm recently stated that the oil levels of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) will…

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U.S. Navy Prevents Iran from Capturing 2 Oil Tankers

Both commercial vessels were near the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. Navy reported that an attempt by Iranian forces to capture two oil tankers was foiled by an…

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Interior Department Bans New Oil Leases Around Chaco Canyon

The policy to be in effect for 20 years. The Department of the Interior announced that new oil and gas drilling leases will not be issued on public…

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Secretary Blinken Meets With Saudi Crown Prince

Saudi Arabia announced it would decrease oil output after a weekend meeting of OPEC+. On his second trip to Saudi Arabia, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with…

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Iran Seizes Second Oil Tanker Bound for U.S. 

U.S. Navy reports the second incident in a week. The United States Navy reported that a second oil tanker was seized in the Strait of Hormuz by the…

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Iran Seizes Houston-Bound Oil Tanker 

U.S. Navy reports the violation of international law. The U.S. Navy 5th Fleet reported that Iran has seized a foreign vessel in the Gulf of Oman.  “The oil…

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