Congress Starts Negotiations on Virus Relief Plan

Process should not be politicized, senator says Senator John Thune of North Dakota reported Wednesday that Congress has started negotiations on President Trump’s economic relief plan in the…

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CDC Expands Guidelines To Confront Virus

More extreme measures for people at high risk National Center for Disaster Preparedness Director Dr. Irwin Redlener cautioned the country needs to take more extreme emergency measures because…

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President Trump to Meet with Wall Street Executives

Will discuss responses to turbulent market The White House announced that President Trump will meet with Wall Street executives on Wednesday to discuss responses to the market turbulence…

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PRAYER ALERT – Global Financial Markets Shudder

Major indexes in the U.S. stock market pushed closer to bear market territory at the Monday opening…

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President Signs Coronavirus Funding Bill

Over $8 billion in funds set aside for prevention and relief On Friday, President Trump officially signed a bipartisan funding bill that would put over $8 billion in…

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President Trump Calibrates Coronavirus Response Efforts

Signing funding bill and visit to CDC among efforts Although earliest communications from the White House to the nation regarding the coronavirus outbreak were not comprehensive, President Trump…

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President Signs Emergency Funding for Coronavirus

$8.3 billion was more than he requested On Friday morning, President Trump signed legislation that members of Congress passed on an emergency basis this week. The legislation makes…

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Virus Task Force to Focus on Nursing Homes

Want to keep our elderly safe, Vice President Pence says Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Coronavirus Task Force plans to focus on making sure that nursing…

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Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates Amid Virus Concerns

Half percent drop in lending rate hopes to stabilize economy On Tuesday, the Federal Reserve announced that it would be cutting their interest rates by half of a…

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Emergency Virus Funding Bill May be Ready Friday

G7 countries ready to cooperate Senator Patrick Leahy, the ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said an emergency funding bill to fight the coronavirus could be completed…

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