Secretary Blinken Attends Israeli, Arab Summit

He focused on reducing Israeli-Palestinian tensions.  A meeting on Israel’s Negev desert, hosted by Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, brought together the foreign ministers of four Arab nations…

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President Trump’s Farewell Address to the Nation

“We achieved what we came here to do, and so much more,” he said. From the White House: For President Trump and his family as they embark on…

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Pentagon Updates Middle East Strategy

Changes reflect normalized relationships between Israel and Arab nations.  On Friday, the Defense Department announced that it would be reordering its policies and operations in the Middle East.…

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Sudan to Normalize Relations with Israel

Deal allows Sudan to receive money from the World Bank in the future.  On Wednesday, Sudan announced that it had signed an agreement with the United States to…

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President Announces Normalization of Sudan and Israel Relations

The third Arab nation to agree to diplomatic, economic, and trade ties with Israel. President Trump announced late last week, “The State of Israel and the Republic of…

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Mnuchin Attends Ceremony Formalizing Israel and Bahrain Relations

Israeli delegation to Manama takes the next step in strengthening ties. A ceremony to formalize relations between Bahrain and Israel was held on Sunday in Manama, Bahrain. This…

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President Receives Third Nobel Nomination

He brought Arab states and Israel together. A quartet of law professors from Australia has nominated President Trump the third time for the Nobel Peace Prize. They lauded…

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Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony Held at the White House

UAE, Bahrain, and Israel affirm normalized relations in Middle East peace agreements. Leaders from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Israel met with President Trump at the White…

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