Defense Secretary Esper Hopes to Visit China

“We are not in search of conflict,” he said. On the same day that the State Department ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Defense Secretary Mark…

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State Department Orders China Consulate Closed

Move taken due to allegations that China is spying on Americans. The State Department announced on Wednesday that it had delivered orders to the Chinese Consulate in Houston,…

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Counting Illegal Immigrants for Congressional Districting Barred

Redrawing districts should not include numbers of illegal immigrants. On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order to prevent illegal immigrants from being counted for the purposes of…

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First Lady Visits D.C. First Responders

She delivered lunch in an unannounced visit to engine company. First Lady Melania Trump made an unannounced visit to Engine Company 9 in Washington, D.C. last week. She…

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President Encourages Mask Use in Coronavirus Briefing

He reiterated the well-known guidelines issued by the CDC and others. “Be safe and be smart,” was President Trump’s message as he returned to providing coronavirus briefings. He…

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U.S. Positioning Military Assets Around Asia

Action is part of Administration hardening stance toward China. Defense Secretary Mark Esper spoke virtually to the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies on Tuesday. He revealed that…

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Legislators Meet with President for More Negotiations

Second meeting of administration and Senate leaders seeking to unify on aid package. On Tuesday, key administration and Senate leaders, including Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, Chief of Staff Meadows,…

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President Trump Restarts Daily Briefings

Asserts that federal response has given states everything they need to combat COVID-19.  The White House announced that President Trump would be restarting his daily coronavirus briefings in…

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Interior Department Announces Task Force Executive Director

Interagency “Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes” to be led by Charles Laudner Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced Charles Laudner as Executive Director of the…

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Top Congressmen Meet With President to Discuss COVID-19 Aid

President calls for help for children, jobs, and vaccines. On Monday, top Congressional Republicans met with President Trump in the White House to discuss what steps ought to…

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