Stephen Biegun, Deputy Secretary of State

If North Korea is willing to make a deal, a top State Department official said the United States is ready to resume talks about nuclear weapons with Pyongyang.

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Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran

“The question we ask on behalf of the American people is, what is the best means to prevent Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon, and the answer is not the JCOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action],” America’s Special Representative to Iran said.

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Christopher Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

More than 2,000 active investigations connected to the Chinese Communist Party are presently being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and new ones are added about every ten hours.

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Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States

Talk of a second wave of the coronavirus is misleading and “fearmongering,” Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview.

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Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of Treasury

“We’re prepared to go back to Congress for more money to support the American worker,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in an interview.

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Eric Drieband, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division

The Department of Justice is deciding whether to proceed with federal charges against the police officer accused in the tragic death of George Floyd that has led to protests and riots across America.

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Eugene Scalia, Secretary of Labor

State jobless rolls lowered for the first time since the pandemic began at the end of May, showing signs that people are starting to return to work.

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Andrew Wheeler, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency

As debates rage in Congress over the biofuels mandate, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler weighs options to help small refiners.

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Kevin Hassett, Chairman, White House Council of Economic Advisers

The latest unemployment report signaled a likely decline in unemployment as the U.S. economy slowly reopens, White House Economic Adviser Kevin Hassett said.

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Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued new Title IX guidelines for college campuses that she says will bring justice, free speech and due process back to the forefront.

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