Perilous Times Ahead

You have been warned.

2 Timothy 3:1 – But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.

The third chapter of 2 Timothy is filled with a dire warning. Paul says, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”   There may not be outright persecution of Christians in America, but in a recent survey, about half of all Americans believe that evangelicals face discrimination. The nation is headed full speed ahead into a post-Christian world.

Paul said in today’s verse that there will be times of difficulty. Other versions say there are perilous times ahead. Then he laid out an interesting series of issues, and they all have to do with a person’s own character. Twenty of them, in fact. If they were ever people of faith at all, they have corrupted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul says, “They will not get very far” (verse 9).

“But as for you,” he says in verse 14 and following, stay close to the Word of God, for it is profitable for you.

Take a look at that prior listing. Does any one of them apply to you? If it does, repent today and be restored to the Savior who loves you, and the Father who calls you His child.

Pray With Us

Heavenly Father, You are Holy. You cannot look upon sin. Lord, You have searched my heart and You know me. I repent of any of the thoughts I have had that do not please You, and I acknowledge the forgiveness I have in Jesus Christ who has blotted out all my transgressions. Help me live godly by Your power, and not to be naïve when it comes to matters of personal character. Thank You for Your abundant and abiding love.


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