Opioid Producer Fined $1 Billion for Misbranding

DEA administrator says such companies have contributed to the opioid crisis.

The Department of Justice announced that Endo Health Solutions, Inc. (EHSI) was ordered to pay $1.09 billion in criminal fines for misbranding opioid drugs to the public. The company pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge in April, acknowledging that sales representatives falsely marketed the prescription opioid Opana ER as capable of deterring opioid addiction.

“The opioid crisis we continue to face today originated, in part, from companies like EHSI building their business on false claims and deceptive business practices,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “By intentionally misrepresenting opioid medications, EHSI prioritized profits over the health and well-being of the American people.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Administrator Milgram to be led by God as she heads the Drug Enforcement Administration.
  • For Justice Department officials as they address deceptive opioid marketing.

Sources: Department of Justice


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