FAA Allocates Funding to Enhance Traffic Control Tower Operations

Investments will support safety upgrades and operations at regional airports in 17 states.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is providing $20 million to enhance 20 airport-owned airport traffic control towers in 17 states across the country. This investment supports upgrades to existing or the construction of new control towers, particularly benefiting smaller and regional airports. The funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is intended to increase safety and support aviation operations such as commercial and cargo flights, emergency services, agricultural aviation, and flight training.

“These investments expand the resources available to airports and help ensure airport traffic control towers across the country and the men and women who work in them are able to effectively do their jobs and communicate with pilots,” said Shannetta Griffin, FAA Associate Administrator for Airports. “Not only does this help improve safety at our airports, but it creates good-paying jobs and helps boost local economies.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Administrator Griffin to seek God’s guidance as she heads her agency.
  • For discernment for Administrator Michael Whitaker as he oversees the Federal Aviation Administration.

Sources: Department of Transportation


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