Issue 619 – Verse of the Week

November 2nd – November 8th, 2023


My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.      Proverbs 4:20

Pay Attention

How often do you daydream? Does your mind wander when you desire to diligently study the Word of God, listen to a sermon at church, or even watch godly teaching on television? Today, the Lord is saying to pay attention. Be attentive and listen. Let the Word of God penetrate your heart and life. As you do, you will be able to see how the things that are happening in the world today fit into God’s plans as you watch them unfold. As you are attentive to Him, fear of the future diminishes and confidence in the Lord grows exponentially. Set aside your cell phone and other distractions. Move into a prayerful posture. Ask the Lord, as you read or listen, to guide your heart and ears to really hear what is said. Then, testify to the truth of His Word. You will be an attentive listener, and you will find joy even in the most troubling circumstances knowing God is with you. 

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