Issue 616 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for our Military

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said the service has come short of its recruiting goal by 10,000. The Army is now seeking major reforms in order to attract and sign new soldiers, looking beyond high school graduates into private sector companies with specialized talents. 

Pray for the leaders of America’s armed forces as they endeavor to overcome the challenges of recruiting new members. 


The Pentagon announced that hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition the U.S. seized from Iran have been transferred to Ukraine. The ammunition, initially seized by CENTCOM naval forces was being smuggled to Yemen from Iran. 

Pray for the U.S. defense secretary, Joint Chiefs, and commanders as they seek ways to divert munitions and other military aid to Ukraine.


The prime minister of Hungary said that plans by the European Union to negotiate Ukraine’s joining are realistically not going anywhere. Since his parliament would have to vote on Ukrainian EU membership, he does not expect any move forward over the next several years. 

Pray for European Union members as they deliberate adding Ukraine as a member and how the inclusion or exclusion would affect the U.S.-EU relationship. 


A new study published in the journal Neurology shows that ”quite high” or “quite low” levels of high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, commonly known as the “good cholesterol,” could increase dementia risks for older people. The study also found that people whose levels of cholesterol fluctuate the most have a 19 percent higher risk of dementia. 

Pray for U.S. health officials as they provide guidance on cholesterol and for families dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia issues. 


Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations said the recent attack on Israel by Hamas forces out of Gaza is equivalent to the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States 22 years ago. “I hope everyone understands 600 fatalities in Israel is proportionately like saying 20,000 American fatalities here… 20,000 people who were butchered and massacred by these savage terrorists. It’s our 9/11.” 

Pray that God would put His hand of protection over the people of Israel. Pray for the release of hostages taken by the terrorists. 


The average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage loan rose to 7.49 percent last week, making the cost of financing a home out of reach for many in the nation. One year ago, the rate averaged 6.6 percent. Home loan applications fell last week to their lowest level since 1995 according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. 

Pray for U.S. economists and financial advisors as the long-term ramifications of higher mortgage rates and their impact on the homebuilding industry play out. 

Pray for Goodness in America

A task force in Ohio in a weeklong sting called “Operation Buyers’ Remorse” arrested and charged 160 people in a sex trafficking ring while rescuing 100 sex trafficking victims. Among the arrested were an elementary school teacher, a college professor, and a pair of U.S. Air Force members. 

Pray for members of law enforcement and other officials who are working together to rescue children and adults who have become victims of sex trafficking. Pray for healing for the survivors and those supporting the effort.

Pray for Needs Across the States

A new law in Nebraska has put in place a seven-day waiting period before transgender youth can receive puberty-blocking medications or hormone treatments. The law also requires 40 hours of “gender-identity-focused” therapy for youth desiring to transition. 

The Sentencing Guideline Commission of the state of Washington wants to roll back legislation and policies on sex offenders giving them public access, and eliminating community notification and residency restrictions. The commission said, “These laws actually undermine public safety, the exact opposite of what lawmakers and the public so confidently assume they accomplish.” 

Pray for discernment for state leaders as they consider measures that impact the safety of children. 

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“Many are trying to reduce the population of the earth; it seems more appropriate to reduce the population of hell! God changes hearts through his grace and mercy. This book [Revelation] was sent to the seven churches. It was given to us in order to change our lives right now!“ – Chuck Missler, author and evangelist, from “The Book of Revelation“ 

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