Issue 612 – National Prayer Needs

Additional National Prayer Needs

Pray for our Military

The Air Force is developing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) tool to track progress toward its goals. A dashboard that generates a “scorecard” will show where gender, racial, and ethnic disparity gaps are closing. The dashboard is currently under development, the Air Force stated, and is only utilized for internal Air Force use. 

Pray for USAF officials as they develop the DEIA tool and the branch will acquire the data to feed into its dashboard and how it will then be used. 


Ukraine’s President Zelensky issued a government military decree, stating, “All medical women, these are doctors, nurses, dentists, midwives, pharmacists, ages 18 to 60, will be required to register for military service starting October 1st. Such women perform military duty on an equal footing with men. The legislation does not distinguish between women and men conscripted into the military.” Ukrainian men from age 18 to 60 are already subject to conscription. 

Pray for U.S. and Ukrainian officials as they discuss military needs and strategy. 


Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, is in Russia traveling to meet with President Vladimir Putin. North Korea is expected to provide weapons and ammunition to Russia for its war with Ukraine. At the same time, the North is promoting closer ties with China. It has also announced that it has launched its first “tactical nuclear attack submarine” to counter the U.S. Navy in the region. 

Pray for discernment for the president and his advisors regarding the tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. 


A new study published by BMJ Oncology found that cancer cases in adults under age 50 have increased 79 percent in the three decades between 1990 to 2019. North America had the highest number of early onset cancers in 2019 and doctors credit early screenings in helping to discover them. 

Pray for physicians and laboratory technicians who are able to discover cancer cells early enough to begin effective treatments. 


An analysis from the Middle East Media Research Institute says there have been “growing indications that a war against Israel may break out in September or October 2023.” The institute noted that “the trigger may be spiraling violent clashes resulting in many casualties, or the use of new weapons leading to many fatalities on the Israeli side, in the face of which Israel will be unable to suffice with its regular counterterrorism measures.” 

Pray for Israeli leaders as Hezbollah escalates provocations on Israel’s northern border. 


A report from the Mortgage Bankers Association shows that U.S. home purchases are at a 28-year low as of August. Housing affordability and high interest rates are obstacles for many average Americans and their families even pursuing home ownership. 

Pray for U.S. economic officials as they continue efforts to reduce the rate of inflation through interest rate hikes.

Pray for Goodness in America

A woman in a small Oregon town has begun a neighborhood library that she hopes will catch on elsewhere. The library offers the Bible, Christian books, resources, and prayer to people in the community. Although fighting a debilitating disease, she said, “I’m a Christian, and Christians are to serve, and I was thinking, ‘What can I do?’” 

Give thanks for the actions being taken by believers around the nation. Ask the Lord to show you how you can shine His light and bring Him glory. 

Pray for Needs Across the States

South Dakota’s Public Utilities Commission voted to deny two carbon pipelines that would “capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes,” and then transport them to a place where they would be stored deep underground in geological formations. 

Legislators in Nebraska are raising concerns as to why there are schools in Omaha without teachers for special education classes. They said that the lack of teachers, especially those for children with special needs in the district, will be part of the next session’s agenda. 

Pray for state agencies and the challenges they face in working to secure the health, safety, and welfare of their citizens. 

Pray for America’s Faith Community

“God has called His church to stand up as a beacon of light in these dark times. To come against these evils through political means alone will result in defeat. If we try to use humanistic psychology, education, money, or any other of our own means, then failure is inevitable. How do we come against the wickedness? The only answer for sin is Jesus Christ and Him crucified! It was at the cross that sin and the powers of darkness were defeated! Only the power of God is greater than the evil in this world. If you and I will look to the sacrifice then I believe we will see the tide of darkness held back for a season.“ – Josh Rosenstern, Insight, August 2023 

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