Issue 575 – Verse of the Week

December 29th, 2002 – January 4th, 2023


In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:6


You may be making your New Year’s resolutions, as many Americans do. Statistics indicate that, by the end of the first week of the year, a fourth of the people have already been unsuccessful in keeping them, and the trend drops from there. What resolutions do you suppose you would have if God were making them for you?  Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a plan for you. Today’s verse reminds you that He is able and ready to direct you in accomplishing those plans. Your part is to involve Him so that His ways become your ways and His direction is your direction. If you are not certain of the Lord’s will and direction for your life, pray and He will show you the way. Be sensitive to His leading and 2023 will hold good things for you… beginning with a closer relationship with the Father. There is no better resolution! 

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