Issue 510 – Verse of the Week

September 30th – October 6th, 2021


The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7

No Need to Fall Apart

People have a tendency to focus on the wrong things. Difficult times come and even Christians will wring their hands and ask why. As He did with the other prophets, the Lord gave a special vision to Nahum to see the deeper and more complex things of God. In today’s verse, the prophet encouraged the people of Nineveh to understand how good the Lord is. As believers, we need to spend time meditating on God’s goodness and just how much of it He bestows on each of us. The Lord knows who takes refuge in Him; how will you flee to Him in the day of trouble if you don’t understand what He offers you. Clear up your thinking on the troubling things of the day, and see that God is still doing a work among the people of the earth… and He is still good and will act in righteousness.

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