Listen With Discernment

Psalm 16:7 – I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.

Intimate thoughts pour out of the heart of King David in the Psalms. Though called “A Man after God’s Own Heart” (Acts 13:22), David endured struggles, trials, tribulations, and more.  But he trusted that the Lord had a plan for his life that far surpassed anything the world would give or his adversaries could take away.

Are current situations and circumstances disrupting your emotions; do you feel like there is some sort of attempt “out there” to bring you down?  It is time to listen with divine discernment…less to the news and more to the Word of God. As you firm up your relationship with Him, He gives you power to overcome, to excel and succeed.  He is your Source; nothing else will do.

In the middle of grief, you can find joy. In the center of confusion, He will give you peace. His way of handling the issues that burden you is always the right, righteous and just way, tempered with His mercy and love.  Spend more time in your intimate relationship with your Lord today. There is nothing more precious or restorative to your soul.

Pray With Us

Lord God, forgive me for letting the news of the day take me off stride in my relationship with You. The world’s issues are too big for me to wrap my mind around, but You, Lord, have the power to deal with them and to give peace to Your people in the middle of them. I truly want my relationship with You to be my number one focus and priority. Your plans are good, and I trust You to work them out for Your own glory.


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