House Committee Requests Chamber of Commerce Documents

The lobbying group reportedly received funding from a billionaire. The House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this week, requesting tax…

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Commerce Department Announces Upcoming National Child Care Summit

Secretary Raimondo says child care is an economic issue. Secretary Gina Raimondo announced that the Commerce Department will co-host the first-ever National Child Care Innovation Summit later this…

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District Court Judge Blocks Updates to Federal Fair Lending Regulations

Rules that the president’s administration expanded the geographic loan requirements too far. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that President Biden’s administration went too far in its bank loan…

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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Sues FCC Over Discrimination Rule

The lobbying group says the regulation is overly broad. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the nation’s largest lobbying groups, has sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)…

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New Labor Department Rule Could Eliminate Gig Work

Independent contractors would become employees under reclassification. The Department of Labor has released a final rule that would prohibit the classification of some workers as independent contractors. The new…

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Labor Department Reports Over 1.8 Million on Unemployment 

Claims went up 13.1 percent over the previous week.  The Labor Department reported that the number of people in the U.S. who are receiving unemployment benefits rose last…

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Acting Labor Secretary Engages in Port Contract Negotiations

West Coast workers’ contract negotiations reach the 13th month of debate. Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su has been in California trying to broker a deal between the Pacific…

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Commerce Secretary Speaks at U.S.-Ukraine Partnership Forum

U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosts a gathering of global leaders. Secretary Raimondo spoke at the U.S.-Ukraine Partnership Forum last week, highlighting a number of efforts the Department of…

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Federal Appeals Court Rules Against CA Arbitration Law

The ban on mandatory arbitration is overridden by Federal Arbitration Act. The Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco recently blocked California’s law banning mandatory arbitration, saying that…

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Chamber of Commerce Urges Congress to End Gridlock

The lobbying group says businesses want to see progress. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying group in the nation, has communicated to Congress that businesses…

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