Administration to Release of 1 Million Barrels of Fuel from Northeast Reserve

The sale of the gasoline is intended to bring down consumer prices. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Petroleum Reserves announced that 1 million barrels of gasoline…

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Energy Department Cancels Oil Purchases for Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The administration cites high oil prices for the delay in refilling low stock. The Department of Energy (DOE) announced it has canceled two upcoming oil purchases that would…

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Energy Secretary Says SPR Will Be Refilled In The Next Presidential Term

The emergency oil stockpile is at a 40-year low. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm recently stated that the oil levels of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) will…

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Administration Offers Congress Reassurance on SPR

Legislators receive a letter from Energy Department. Congress received a letter from the Department of Energy earlier this month, offering the administration’s response to congressional concerns about the…

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Gas Prices at the Pump Going Up Again

Nation seeing its fifth straight week of increase.  According to data compiled by Gas Buddy, Americans are likely to see gasoline prices reach $4 a gallon and more. In…

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Secretary Granholm Expects Veto of SPR Bill

The secretary conveyed executive sentiments at a White House press briefing. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm spoke at a White House press conference on Monday, where she shared…

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Energy Secretary Responds to Proposed Legislation

Strategic Production Response Act would limit presidential authority over Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sent a letter to majority members of the House, expressing her concern…

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House Bill Bans Strategic Petroleum Sales to China

Energy Department lacks funds to replenish reserves. The House of Representatives passed a bill that bans releases of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve from being sold…

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House Votes to Repeal 87,000 IRS Agent Funding

Part of the “Commitment to America” agenda.  The House of Representatives voted to repeal part of the Inflation Reduction Act that provided funding to hire up to 87,000…

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Congressionally Mandated Oil Reserve Sales Cancelled for 2023

SPR levels were significantly depleted by sales in 2022. Congress included a provision in the 2023 spending bill that cancels certain mandated sales from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve…

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